Teacher Resources

Why Differentiate for Gifted/Advanced Learners?

Gifted students "need an appropriately differentiated curriculum designed to address their individual characteristics, needs, abilities, and interests. It is difficult to generalize about students who are gifted because their characteristics and needs are so personal and unique. However, as a group, they comprehend complex ideas quickly, learn more rapidly and in greater depth than their age peers, and may exhibit interests that differ from those of their peers. They need time for in-depth exploration, they manipulate ideas and draw generalizations about seemingly unconnected concepts, and they ask provocative questions." -S.Berger

Students who are gifted and talented are found in full-time self-contained classrooms, magnet schools, pull-out programs, resource rooms, regular classrooms, and every combination of these settings. No matter where they obtain their education, they need an appropriately differentiated curriculum designed to address their individual characteristics, needs, abilities, and interests.

G/T Required Training Overview

Teachers who provide G/T instruction and services are required to have a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of professional development for gifted/talented students.

Teachers must receive a minimum of six (6) hours annually of professional development in G/T education that is related to state teacher education standards.

Teacher Training

Region 20 - Professional Learning

Harlandale ISD and Region 20 have a co-op that provides training for our teachers at no additional cost. Teachers may register to take those courses to fulfill requirements towards the initial 30-hour or annual updates.

Teachers who take training OUTSIDE of HARLANDALE ISD must upload their certificates into Eduphoria by following the directions in the video below.

Click Below to Access the Gifted & Talented Check-Out Website